Tutoring Interview Questions
Why are you seeking a tutor for your young child and what do you believe their cognitive, social, emotional and fine motor needs to be as an early learner?
Is your child cared for at home, in a program or a combination during the week?
Is your child given plentiful opportunities during each day for unstructured, self-directed play?
Does your child enjoy open-ended art experiences?
Does your child receive consistent physical exercise outdoors?
How much socialization does your child receive with other children (in familiar and novel situations)?
Please describe some of your child's observed early numeracy skills.
What are the specific skills you would like me to focus on during my time with your child, and what signs from your child lead you to believe that (s)he is developmentally ready to learn this material?
Does your child have any specific diagnosed or suspected learning disability or delay I would need to be aware of, learn about and tailor activities to during my time in your home?
If so, are there prescribed activities from a ST/PT/OT that you want me to integrate into learning activities with your child?
Have you previously provided any adult-directed learning activities for your child? If so, please describe them, and your participation in them.
Do you, your partner or another adult have additional time to practice and reinforce the skills you expect me to teach your child, or will I be the only exposure to the desired materials?
If you are familiar with your child's preferred learning modality, please share it with me, along with some examples.
Of Gardener's multiple intelligences, which (if any) do you believe your child shows a particular aptitude for, and are there special games, projects or activities you encourage your child to participate in, that support their preferences and special talents?
Is your child enrolled in any classes or group activities (sports, language, art, etc)?
How would you describe your young child's executive functioning and problem solving skills, resilience and self-esteem when it comes to completing a task and trying the same activity repeatedly if it didn't end satisfactorily?
Please describe the early literacy skills you have recently observed in your child.